Hyperpyrexia is another term for a very high fever. The medical criterion for hyperpyrexia is when someone is running a body temperature of more than 106.7F or 41.5C but some doctors lower the measure to include anyone with a body temperature of 106.1F or 41.1C. Hyperpyrexia is usually associated with viral or bacterial infections but other causes include;

  • Bleeding in the brain known as intracranial hemorrhage can bring about a rise in the body’s temperature as the part of the brain which helps to regulate the temperature is affected. Accidents, strokes and other forms of trauma are the most likely causes of bleeding in the brain.
  • Sepsis, a potentially life-threatening response to an infection caused by the immune system. This response gets into the blood and may cause organ damage or failure.
  • Anesthesia: a person’s temperature could rise rapidly while under anesthesia due to an underlying disease of muscle, requiring doctors to make adjustments to lower the body’s temperature again.

Depending on the individual(s) involved, symptoms may vary, also how long the condition lasts and if the condition worsens can bring up more symptoms. Early symptoms of hyperpyrexia may include;

  • Extreme sweating
  • Dizziness
  • Muscle cramps
  • Increased thirst
  • Weakness
  • Nausea & light-headedness

If the fever is not controlled for a prolonged period, the individual may experience

  • Extreme confusion
  • Rapid, shallow breathing
  • Seizures
  • Loss of consciousness

It is very important to seek prompt medical attention to prevent potential health complications like amputation, brain damage, organ failure, spread of infection or even death.

Avoiding sources of infection and maintaining good hygiene are the best ways to prevent a fever. A fever that has lasted longer than 48 to 72 hours in older children and adults warrant calling a doctor. Taking medication as soon as symptoms start may keep them from becoming severe. Always remember that Forpain is your instant relief from Headaches and fever(s) there are #NoDownMomentsWithForpain.


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