Migraine is a neurological disorder, involving intense head pain characterized by recurrent pulsating attacks lasting 4-72 hours, moderate or severe intensity aggravated by routine physical activity, and associated with nausea, vomiting, and photophobia (eye discomfort in bright light).

Migraine is a common disabling condition mostly in the adult population and shows female predominance. Women have an 18% risk of having a migraine compared to a 5% chance for men. Migraines typically begin during puberty or between the ages of 35 and 45 years.

Many clinical factors such as diet, alterations in sleep, and stress are known to predispose individuals to attacks. Trigger factors are frequent in migraine patients and avoiding such factors may result in better control of the disorder.

There are many ways to manage migraine, such as doing physiotherapy. However, some simple tricks can help you to manage the symptoms:

  • Lie on your back in a darkened room
  • Avoid any food that can trigger migraines such as alcohol and fermented foods
  • Do not do heavy physical activities, especially extreme workouts
  • Take Forpain for fast relief

If you are looking for a quick way to ease the migraine, you can try to use OTC medicine. Visit your nearby pharmacy and ask for Forpain, the instant relief from Headaches and pains.

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