The world is still combating the public enemy the COVID-19 with more cases recorded in various countries with some contemplating on going on a total lockdown as the number of those infected with the virus increases. While we follow the measures provided by the WHO we should also endeavour to bear in mind that other issues might occur that are not a COVID-19 situation and some could entail a doctor's attention or some home remedy.

Today, we will be sharing some quick to-do tips when there are health emergencies during the period of the pandemic.

  • Be composed: In times of health related situations, it is important to be calm when attending to the individual or it could be yourself. Health cases can range from a burn, fracture, cut, headache and lots more.
  • Be willing to help: In times like this everyone needs to be willing to help others especially in health related situations.
  • First Aid: It is important to have a first aid kit in the homes, Malls, offices and other places that houses people, this will help give some quick help to an injured person before conveying them to the hospital.
  • Call ahead: Before visiting an hospital for check up for health related issues that are beyond control, it is important you call in ahead so they can make plans for you. Hospitals this period are faced with bed spaces as more people keep coming in with COVID-19 cases and so to prevent the spread they will need to make preparation when admitting a non-COVID case.
  • Home remedies: Not all cases might need visiting the hospital for cases like headache, back pain, fever,  cold, cough, cramps etc except if after medication they persist and become unbearable then you will need to call the hospital to prepare for your visit. Medications such as Forpain have been proven to provide home health remedies and help combats headaches, fever, cold, body pains and cramps. If symptoms persist above 4 days “call ahead” before visiting the doctor.

In conclusion, the above emergency management tips will be beneficial during this pandemic.


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