Feliz Navidad, Prospero ano y felicidad!!!

Yay! It’s that time of the year again, Christmas season, when so much excitement fills the air. Everyone loves to celebrate and make merry during this season, it involves a lot of partying, eating, drinking and a host of fun games amongst other activities, however as much as the festive season is filled with fun, these preparations can also cause headaches due to some factors faced during this period, factors such as:

  • Stress: Stress can be a major factor that causes headaches during festive periods as a result of the ups and downs that comes with the preparation.
  • Irregular sleep schedule: Changes in this area can bring on migraines.
  • improper eating habits: During the festive preparations we sometimes get engrossed in a lot of activities that we tend to skip meals, skipping meals can trigger a headache.

Stress and other triggers can be difficult to avoid during the holidays, so how can you increase your chances of making it through the holiday season migraine free? Pay careful attention to possible triggers and do your best to manage them, but when these headaches come, use Forpain for fast relief.  

Forpain is a relief medication for headaches & Fever, it is a non-drowsy medication and can be taken by all members of the family; Don’t let Headaches & Fevers slow your family fun, stay active with Forpain! If symptoms persist, please reach out to your medical doctor or consultant. There are #NoDownMomentsWithForpain.


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